
sorry, just need to rant.

i work at an independently owned and operated hotel, been here for almost a year, it’ll be a year in october. i’ve done nothing but bend over backwards for the owner and the general manager. i’ve had to deal with overbooking situations, being here alone when the hotel is extremely busy, being screamed at by guests, covering shifts for night audit, and spending literally every waking moment here trying to atleast make some sort of good money. i get paid $14.25 an hour to deal with my coworkers treating me like i’m stupid going as far to telling me how to do my job and gloating about their paychecks when i don’t even have enough money to pay rent or buy food, no place to sit during my shifts and being yelled at when i do sit and take a break by the owner, being told i’m “sleeping on the…

i work at an independently owned and operated hotel, been here for almost a year, it’ll be a year in october. i’ve done nothing but bend over backwards for the owner and the general manager. i’ve had to deal with overbooking situations, being here alone when the hotel is extremely busy, being screamed at by guests, covering shifts for night audit, and spending literally every waking moment here trying to atleast make some sort of good money. i get paid $14.25 an hour to deal with my coworkers treating me like i’m stupid going as far to telling me how to do my job and gloating about their paychecks when i don’t even have enough money to pay rent or buy food, no place to sit during my shifts and being yelled at when i do sit and take a break by the owner, being told i’m “sleeping on the job” when i take a breather after an intense rush (busy season at hotels are absolutely no joke), the general manager wrongfully firing me twice for medical/mental health appointment reasons and being screamed at by her on days she’s not in a good mood and when brought up to the owner they just laugh it off (keep in mind, the GM is extremely conservative so when i don’t feel like coming in one day simply because i’m overworked she feels like she has an excuse to fire me because “no one wants to work. gen z is lazy blah blah blah.”), not having any accommodations to my schedule, etc. just today i was yelled at by the owner, he told me he was “pissed off” with me requesting a schedule adjustment to where i want to work some more of the morning shifts, told me that it’s not fair to him that now he has to adjust the schedule again. i was promised a managers position a few months back for them to give the position to a new hire. i’m just tired.. i live in a small town so i have exhausted all my other employment options since living here. i thought this job would be different, i guess not. i’m just tired.

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