
I absolutely hate work. A rant.

And I don't mean doing things in general. I like what I do, it's just the work environment and bureaucracy and all that. For the past 3 years I've been a nanny to girl from when she was 7 to 10 years old. Pick her up from school, help with homework, make dinner, driver her to her tennis classes etc. And just generally hang out with her. It was lovely. No stress, her parents were cool, if I had some errands to run while I was with her, no problem. It was a really chill job. Sure sometimes I'd stay with her till like 7-8 pm but I honestly didn't mind because I easily incorporated my life into that. Now, I'm an unpaid intern in a nursery and will probably look for a job like that soon. Love the kids and everything but the management? And the sudden lack of…

And I don't mean doing things in general. I like what I do, it's just the work environment and bureaucracy and all that. For the past 3 years I've been a nanny to girl from when she was 7 to 10 years old. Pick her up from school, help with homework, make dinner, driver her to her tennis classes etc. And just generally hang out with her. It was lovely. No stress, her parents were cool, if I had some errands to run while I was with her, no problem. It was a really chill job. Sure sometimes I'd stay with her till like 7-8 pm but I honestly didn't mind because I easily incorporated my life into that.

Now, I'm an unpaid intern in a nursery and will probably look for a job like that soon. Love the kids and everything but the management? And the sudden lack of time I have. I can't do anything for fucks sake. How do people live like that. The principal sucks, generally people in higher position and with higher education than you have no respect for anyone below them. I've like an hour or two to myself tops everyday. This sucks. I got lucky for the past 3 years I guess

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