
I’m so fucking tired of being tired

That’s basically it. I’m tired of working jobs that don’t give me enough time to even feel well rested. I hate that I don’t have time to take a vacation or that my only “vacations” are me lying on the couch too sick to move. I remember my mother being able to take a week off a few times a year just to spend time with me. Now it takes me a year to save up enough time to even think about taking a week off. I hate having to ration my sick days and having to go into work when I don’t feel well. Covid is still a thing and now we’ve got the monkey pox to worry about. I should be able to stay home and rest to not only keep myself safe, but also my teammates and faculty that I work around. But because of my hours…

That’s basically it. I’m tired of working jobs that don’t give me enough time to even feel well rested. I hate that I don’t have time to take a vacation or that my only “vacations” are me lying on the couch too sick to move.

I remember my mother being able to take a week off a few times a year just to spend time with me. Now it takes me a year to save up enough time to even think about taking a week off.

I hate having to ration my sick days and having to go into work when I don’t feel well. Covid is still a thing and now we’ve got the monkey pox to worry about. I should be able to stay home and rest to not only keep myself safe, but also my teammates and faculty that I work around. But because of my hours and how slow I accumulate sick time, I often have to take one day off and then tough it out at work until I feel better.

There’s got to be more to life than just constant work exhaustion to the point where you think death is a better option. At least when I’m dead I don’t have to worry about being exhausted right?

Edit: this post is from the POV of an American since I’m from America. But if you’re from another country and go through the same shit that 90% of Americans do, please leave your comments because I want to hear your stories too

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