
I just chugged a poison chalice

So im 20 and prior to this had no work experience, so a friend got me a factory job (decent) then the factory owner moved me over to a boating goods shop across the road as the sole person in the shop all day, sounds good right? Well turns the shop is a shit heap and my dumbass thought I could fix it and shit but I was a.) not able to do much with certain shit because of red tape and b had to shoulder a bunch of blame for shit, factor in I was given basically task managers would normally do and I thought I could do it so Im partially to blame for jumping into this hole, all this stress for £7.50 an hour and no prior experience whatsoever in any field of work and now im getting hauled into meetings and told off for not doing…

So im 20 and prior to this had no work experience, so a friend got me a factory job (decent) then the factory owner moved me over to a boating goods shop across the road as the sole person in the shop all day, sounds good right? Well turns the shop is a shit heap and my dumbass thought I could fix it and shit but I was a.) not able to do much with certain shit because of red tape and b had to shoulder a bunch of blame for shit, factor in I was given basically task managers would normally do and I thought I could do it so Im partially to blame for jumping into this hole, all this stress for £7.50 an hour and no prior experience whatsoever in any field of work and now im getting hauled into meetings and told off for not doing my job right causing me to sit in the shop and cry for an hour. I hate this job

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