
Some Respect from the Outside

Hi Everyone. My beliefs are not even close to anti-work. Nonetheless, there are a few things I agree with here: Playing hardball with your employers. If you want to get paid more, do what you need to do to get paid more even if your employer doesn't like it. He isn't any more special than you are. Not letting your employer guilt trip you into doing something that is against your interest. When you are working, you take of yourself and the job. When you are not or should not be working you take care of yourself. Employees should demand that employers should not actively make their lives worse. Important life events. Go take that trip to see your dying relative. Follow your religious practices. Take a vacation every once in a while. If you listen to enough close minded people you might learn something. Have a good week.

Hi Everyone.

My beliefs are not even close to anti-work. Nonetheless, there are a few things I agree with here:

  1. Playing hardball with your employers. If you want to get paid more, do what you need to do to get paid more even if your employer doesn't like it. He isn't any more special than you are.
  2. Not letting your employer guilt trip you into doing something that is against your interest. When you are working, you take of yourself and the job. When you are not or should not be working you take care of yourself.
  3. Employees should demand that employers should not actively make their lives worse.
  4. Important life events. Go take that trip to see your dying relative. Follow your religious practices. Take a vacation every once in a while.

If you listen to enough close minded people you might learn something.

Have a good week.

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