
Do i owe them?

Worked there for 12 years. Underpaid but still a really nice environment. Got headhunted by a place where the culture is basically lord of the flies but the pay is good. Boss is terrible. Former boss a legit mentor and friend. Now this place is headhunting former colleagues. I told former boss before i left that i wouldn't poach clients or colleagues and I will honor that. But I can't stop current new boss from approaching former coworkers. When former coworkers ask about this place i am honest about the culture but the pay is really good, so I expect they will come over same as I did. Do i owe my old boss a heads up on the poaching – if only to say that it had nothing to do with me?

Worked there for 12 years. Underpaid but still a really nice environment. Got headhunted by a place where the culture is basically lord of the flies but the pay is good. Boss is terrible. Former boss a legit mentor and friend. Now this place is headhunting former colleagues. I told former boss before i left that i wouldn't poach clients or colleagues and I will honor that. But I can't stop current new boss from approaching former coworkers. When former coworkers ask about this place i am honest about the culture but the pay is really good, so I expect they will come over same as I did.

Do i owe my old boss a heads up on the poaching – if only to say that it had nothing to do with me?

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