
One foot out the door

So I'm currently waiting for a background check to clear (which I have no reason to suspect that it won't) and if all goes well, I'll be putting in my 2 weeks notice on August 8th at my current job. I hadn't said anything to my boss or anyone else for that matter, just out of concern for my own mental health and job security. I work in home maintenance and we have 11 properties to manage. My old boss was great, but he's since retired. So now, its just me and my new boss, who used to just be my coworker.. that's it. Just the two of us. That's the maintenance crew. He's is a major douche. I get 90% of the workload, 100% of the shittier jobs get doesn't want to do, and he couldn't care less about my well being. My hours have gotten longer and longer…

So I'm currently waiting for a background check to clear (which I have no reason to suspect that it won't) and if all goes well, I'll be putting in my 2 weeks notice on August 8th at my current job. I hadn't said anything to my boss or anyone else for that matter, just out of concern for my own mental health and job security.

I work in home maintenance and we have 11 properties to manage. My old boss was great, but he's since retired. So now, its just me and my new boss, who used to just be my coworker.. that's it. Just the two of us. That's the maintenance crew. He's is a major douche. I get 90% of the workload, 100% of the shittier jobs get doesn't want to do, and he couldn't care less about my well being. My hours have gotten longer and longer with no extra compensation, I got a measley $1.50 raise, and I'm quite literally treated like I'm an incapable child.

So, my new job wanted me to get an experience letter from HR, and HR then asked my boss about some of the details. So he reaches out to me. Wants to know what it's for, if I'm actually actively looking for a new job, why I'm looking, etc. Tells me I need to go through him, and I have to keep him updated. Because if I am looking, he “needs a few months to find and train someone new”.

I told him that yes, I am looking, and that the experience letter is to clear a background check to see if I'm even eligible for hire. Which is all true, of course. But I didn't mention that the starting date for the new position is August 22nd.

This is really going to make it awkward when I go to give my notice.
Any advice?

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