
The cycle

Im tired of waiting for a raise and asking for one. The company I work for has become so toxic beyond repair. The leadership has fucked up so badly that they have resorted to making people do more than they are paid for, without compensation. Aside from there being no such thing as a yearly review or standard of living raise, they have resorted to keeping us in a perpetual loop of working overtime so that we can make more money. Here is the catch… when I asked one of the higher ups why they haven’t given raises to people who deserve them, they say “too many people are working overtime, therefore we can’t afford to give you raises” okay well people are working overtime BECAUSE they haven’t given anyone a raise in two years despite more work loads, working more hours and taking on huge projects most companies would…

Im tired of waiting for a raise and asking for one. The company I work for has become so toxic beyond repair. The leadership has fucked up so badly that they have resorted to making people do more than they are paid for, without compensation. Aside from there being no such thing as a yearly review or standard of living raise, they have resorted to keeping us in a perpetual loop of working overtime so that we can make more money. Here is the catch… when I asked one of the higher ups why they haven’t given raises to people who deserve them, they say “too many people are working overtime, therefore we can’t afford to give you raises” okay well people are working overtime BECAUSE they haven’t given anyone a raise in two years despite more work loads, working more hours and taking on huge projects most companies would pay outside sources to complete I.e. moving a whole headquarters to a new location, setting up the new location all while also having to tend to our designated job positions. We didn’t get any recognition for any of it, not even compensated for doing it. People are being exploited while the fat rats at the top mismanage a company on the brink of doom. Can’t afford to give us a raise get the fuck out of here. Enough of us are mad enough to start confronting the higher ups about their bullshit, but the people who’s opinions matter a bit most only complain in private but never dare to rock the boat. How would y’all go about this? How can I make a difference in the lives of my coworkers and my own?

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