
I was once fired for showing the company I worked for a security flaw on their software. It was deployed on every demo computer and register.

I worked at a big box, blue and yellow, electronic retailer from 2006-2009. I was fired in 2009 bc I found a very bad security flaw in their systems. I showed them that on any computer and any register I could easily setup torrenting and max out the bandwidth of the store. this went way high up to HR. what did this place do? they fired me, but my discount was still good for the day! I showed them how I did this in very fine detail and their software had a huge flaw and their network was at great risk. mind you I didn't download anything at all to any computer that was illegal. I showed them how anyone could put a torrent client on any computer and register in the store. I could easily download any torrent from anywhere and clog any stores network all while this would…

I worked at a big box, blue and yellow, electronic retailer from 2006-2009. I was fired in 2009 bc I found a very bad security flaw in their systems. I showed them that on any computer and any register I could easily setup torrenting and max out the bandwidth of the store. this went way high up to HR. what did this place do? they fired me, but my discount was still good for the day! I showed them how I did this in very fine detail and their software had a huge flaw and their network was at great risk. mind you I didn't download anything at all to any computer that was illegal. I showed them how anyone could put a torrent client on any computer and register in the store. I could easily download any torrent from anywhere and clog any stores network all while this would be in the background. they fired me bc HR had no idea what cyber security was. I was this close from making an electronic retailer the biggest seed bot.

the HR person was talking legal action but they couldn't prove anything I did was illegal. that and again I showed them this. Also, I didn't sign any NDA that they wanted me to sign. I called up everyone I knew and used the hell out of that discount that day!

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