
Can you please volunteer to do extra work for free?

I work in an office for a medium sized company that has links to hospitality and events. One of the board members sent out an email today asking office staff to volunteer to work a few four hour shifts during a big event that is on each night for several weeks. The only payment is a “chance to win two tickets to the event”. So not only would you not get paid at all for working at a bar after a full day working your day job, you’re not even guaranteed to get two tickets for the event (my guess is one person on each shift would get two tickets). This surely falls under slave labour and I can’t believe the board signed off on this when it could easily be reported or leaked to the papers.

I work in an office for a medium sized company that has links to hospitality and events.

One of the board members sent out an email today asking office staff to volunteer to work a few four hour shifts during a big event that is on each night for several weeks. The only payment is a “chance to win two tickets to the event”.

So not only would you not get paid at all for working at a bar after a full day working your day job, you’re not even guaranteed to get two tickets for the event (my guess is one person on each shift would get two tickets).

This surely falls under slave labour and I can’t believe the board signed off on this when it could easily be reported or leaked to the papers.

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