
What is going with this sub?

First off, this is definitely not for everyone on this sub. A small group. I liked this sub because while I’m doing very and like my job I fucking hate knowing other people don’t have that luxury. Awful management abusing individuals knowing they desperately rely on and their barely livable wages (and sometimes not even livable.) Exploitation of my fellow who simply wants to exist modestly and comfortably. This movement means something, but more and more lately I see posts of people, and I’m going to be very blunt here, being inconsiderate and entitled posting things that they know will get them tons of karma here and it always does. There was a post a little while back where a guy texted his boss saying (slight paraphrasing) “I’m not coming and won’t be again” his boss immediately said “is everything okay?” “Is there anything I can do?” OP responded “you…

First off, this is definitely not for everyone on this sub. A small group. I liked this sub because while I’m doing very and like my job I fucking hate knowing other people don’t have that luxury. Awful management abusing individuals knowing they desperately rely on and their barely livable wages (and sometimes not even livable.) Exploitation of my fellow who simply wants to exist modestly and comfortably. This movement means something, but more and more lately I see posts of people, and I’m going to be very blunt here, being inconsiderate and entitled posting things that they know will get them tons of karma here and it always does. There was a post a little while back where a guy texted his boss saying (slight paraphrasing) “I’m not coming and won’t be again” his boss immediately said “is everything okay?” “Is there anything I can do?” OP responded “you wouldn’t understand” and then the last bits I’m fuzzy on but I think the boss made a comment about how it puts him in a tough position and would’ve appreciated notice” to which OP said some condescending and insulting response” then the boss said “okay fuck off then.” Just purely inconsiderate, entitled, and immature.

And I’ll admit, a good minority pointed out how entitled and against the philosophy of the sub it was, but most people jumped right on saying “yeah, fuck that dickhead” and all of that. And I swear, I’ve been seeing more and more of this stuff over the past few months.

I truly believe our cause and philosophy is a noble one. I refuse to let my fortunate employment situation jade me to the countless others who aren’t so lucky. The corporate world is broken and we’re resisting. It’s fucking beautiful, and we have a cultivated and profound point that’s worth supporting.

But what is up with all this praise for people just being shitty? In that instance that boss immediately asked if they were okay and after being shut down and condescended, as well as now having a big inconvenience that came about from nothing but OP’s entitlement. And there’s more and more of these situations lately.

Why are users praising these things? We’re not going to get respect for our movement if someone on the opposition can just point to blatant examples of us praising what’s objectively shitting behavior. We should be noticing these posts where a company lures someone across the country with lies about a position only to have it be miserable or just firing them after uprooting their lives, or wage theft, genuine workplace abuses, sexual coercion in the workplace; there are endless examples of true injustice in the workplace. We don’t have to settle for noticing inconsiderate and entitled behavior.

We’re better than that.

P.S. I apologize if I sound condescending, but I just truly believe in our mission and it bums me out to see some of us stray from that, hit this point where they just blindly side with anything as long as they can say “yeah fuck that boss!”

Just some thoughts, hope everyone’s doing alright.

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