
Can a potential employer ask if I need health insurance during the hiring process as a deciding factor into wether or not they’ll hire me?

This happened to me recently. The way he brought it up felt like it was a good deal that I currently didn’t need insurance from them. I’m on Medicaid and can stay on it and work as long as my incomes not above $1500 because I have a disability. It made me uncomfortable because he started to pry into my marital status and medical history. But I managed shut him down by repeating that I do not need insurance from the company because I have my own and that’s all he needs to know. He was also really excited that I don’t have kids saying straight up “that’s good so you won’t need to leave for them” I’m assuming if they get sick or something. I got the job but the place gives me a pretty bad feeling.

This happened to me recently. The way he brought it up felt like it was a good deal that I currently didn’t need insurance from them. I’m on Medicaid and can stay on it and work as long as my incomes not above $1500 because I have a disability. It made me uncomfortable because he started to pry into my marital status and medical history. But I managed shut him down by repeating that I do not need insurance from the company because I have my own and that’s all he needs to know. He was also really excited that I don’t have kids saying straight up “that’s good so you won’t need to leave for them” I’m assuming if they get sick or something. I got the job but the place gives me a pretty bad feeling.

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