
Is this weird? Or am I overreacting?

I started working as a barista at a local coffee shop. I’m still knee deep in training. When I first started, they added me to this snapchat group chat with literally everyone who worked there. They’d post some info and schedules but it was never anything crazy important. A couple days ago I decided to delete the snapchat app – I wasn’t using it or other social media, I was only using reddit. Also, when I’d come into work, someone always asked me “did you see what we put in the group chat?” and when I said no, they’d give me a little run down of whatever was new. (One time it was “hey make sure this garbage can gets taken out every night!” or once it was “keep $10 in your tip cup in case the till is short so we can take from your tips” [which I found…

I started working as a barista at a local coffee shop. I’m still knee deep in training. When I first started, they added me to this snapchat group chat with literally everyone who worked there. They’d post some info and schedules but it was never anything crazy important.

A couple days ago I decided to delete the snapchat app – I wasn’t using it or other social media, I was only using reddit. Also, when I’d come into work, someone always asked me “did you see what we put in the group chat?” and when I said no, they’d give me a little run down of whatever was new. (One time it was “hey make sure this garbage can gets taken out every night!” or once it was “keep $10 in your tip cup in case the till is short so we can take from your tips” [which I found weird??]) Whatever was said in the GC was communicated to me is basically what I’m getting at.

Today I finished up a closing shift with one of my managers. I updated her on me not using Snapchat anymore, but that everyone has been updating me on what’s going on. She got a little concerned at this and eventually asked me to redownload snapchat to be in the group chat because it would “make her feel better that info is not being relayed and I get it first hand” which I totally understand but…… shouldn’t these things be posted at my job? shouldn’t the task lists be updated to include these new chores? I just don’t feel comfortable being in a group chat with 20 ish other people who are apparently relaying important information but that important information can’t be posted in the store? Like, what if I never had a snapchat to begin with? Is this weird? Also, is the tip cup/till thing weird?

TL;DR : My manager wants me to be in a store wide snapchat group chat that supposedly has ‘important info’ but that info can’t be relayed in person/in store for whatever reason

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