
3 day notice

Tldr; got laid off for doing my job too well. The situation at my work place has been spiraling for awhile. I got originally hired to work a swing shift position, start with training on days for 'a few weeks' then I'd move to swing. Okay. Not what I signed up for but I can manage for a few weeks. Turns out that the swing shift didn't even exist yet and I had to wait till myself and 4 others were trained up completely to move to swing. WELL. No one was staying. They kept pulling people in promising 3pm-11pm then dumping “oh but you'll be working 7am-3pm until you're all trained up.” So we keep losing people. The churn and burn was REAL. Eventually 3 of us stuck around long enough to get certified and they decide that it's enough to build a swing team. (3 months of day…

Tldr; got laid off for doing my job too well.

The situation at my work place has been spiraling for awhile.
I got originally hired to work a swing shift position, start with training on days for 'a few weeks' then I'd move to swing. Okay. Not what I signed up for but I can manage for a few weeks.

Turns out that the swing shift didn't even exist yet and I had to wait till myself and 4 others were trained up completely to move to swing.
WELL. No one was staying. They kept pulling people in promising 3pm-11pm then dumping “oh but you'll be working 7am-3pm until you're all trained up.”

So we keep losing people. The churn and burn was REAL. Eventually 3 of us stuck around long enough to get certified and they decide that it's enough to build a swing team. (3 months of day shift at this point.)

We've now been working swing, with no Lead or Supervisor available, for 6 months.
They were 'looking' for a lead for a long time then decided against it.
They hired people to add to swing shift, but would start them on days instead for training – welp, those people liked the hours so much they stayed on days or went back to days after a week or two.

We'd been doing exceptionally well on our own for awhile. Just CHURNING out production numbers and crushing their expectations. Even came in early to retrain day shift newbies with the tricks and time savers that We'd learned.

And I guess that's where we fucked up. Day shift can match our numbers now. As of Monday they're dissolving our shift and laying off just us 3 because they “don't need a swing shift anymore.”

Don't show these fuckers loyalty. You'll get none no matter what.

Edit : forgot to clarify with the title. We're being let go Friday. ️

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