
How many IT people are still looking for a better work life balance?

I have been in the IT business for over 30 years and for each of those 30 years my employers have talked about a better work life balance. I’m usually on the operations and engineering side so we do a lot of emergency type work and a lot of project work. Work life balance is hard to come by but it’s part of the job. Companies always promise to make it better but over 30 years I have yet to see this. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

I have been in the IT business for over 30 years and for each of those 30 years my employers have talked about a better work life balance. I’m usually on the operations and engineering side so we do a lot of emergency type work and a lot of project work. Work life balance is hard to come by but it’s part of the job. Companies always promise to make it better but over 30 years I have yet to see this. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

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