
I was right

So yesterday corporate showed up. They’ve done this before saying they’d show but didn’t. So pardon me if I didn’t take them seriously this time. They had a meeting with my GM so I held the fort down for her. Then she says a mandatory meeting tomorrow at 10. Given who she is & her personality I think she’s going to whine & be on some we WILL get the right kick. I live right behind the store but as I’m walking to the store I notice the vehicles for corporate. I think ok this isn’t a b*tch fest so only one other thing. 10 minutes into the meeting & the director of operations essentially says their closing the store. They cite maintenance, not enough sales, and labor as big factors. They admitted the newest store they built also took money from us. We told them that in the beginning.…

So yesterday corporate showed up. They’ve done this before saying they’d show but didn’t. So pardon me if I didn’t take them seriously this time. They had a meeting with my GM so I held the fort down for her. Then she says a mandatory meeting tomorrow at 10. Given who she is & her personality I think she’s going to whine & be on some we WILL get the right kick. I live right behind the store but as I’m walking to the store I notice the vehicles for corporate. I think ok this isn’t a b*tch fest so only one other thing. 10 minutes into the meeting & the director of operations essentially says their closing the store. They cite maintenance, not enough sales, and labor as big factors. They admitted the newest store they built also took money from us. We told them that in the beginning. We told them that store would hurt our numbers but they didn’t listen. But it’s not we’re closed & your on your own. Their relocating the crew to other stores. I just had a feeling my store wouldn’t make it to the end of the year. Just show up to the meeting and we’re told effective immediately the store is closed.

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