
Never worked a day in my life and don’t plan on it!

My name is Spencer, I’m 34 years old, and I refuse to ever work a day in my life. It’s ruined friendships. It’s hurt my relationship with my family. It’s made it very hard to attract females. But this is a principle that I will not give up on! Humans are not made to work. We are made to relax and enjoy our lives. While those slaves in their 9-5 jobs continue to work for their corporate overlords, I’m living the good life at home. Have we not learned as species that work and slavery is bad? Jobs should have been abolished just like slavery was, and we would have been better off as a society without work. I’m sure most of you are questioning how I can do this. It’s simple. Living with your parents as an adult is not a bad thing. It’s become a stigma that living…

My name is Spencer, I’m 34 years old, and I refuse to ever work a day in my life. It’s ruined friendships. It’s hurt my relationship with my family. It’s made it very hard to attract females. But this is a principle that I will not give up on!

Humans are not made to work. We are made to relax and enjoy our lives. While those slaves in their 9-5 jobs continue to work for their corporate overlords, I’m living the good life at home.

Have we not learned as species that work and slavery is bad? Jobs should have been abolished just like slavery was, and we would have been better off as a society without work.

I’m sure most of you are questioning how I can do this. It’s simple. Living with your parents as an adult is not a bad thing. It’s become a stigma that living with your parents in pathetic. This is just propaganda spread by the corporate overlords of force people to work. It’s common in many other cultures to live with your parents. I never plan to move out. And by the time I have to live on my own, I’ll be able to live off of life insurance and inheritance anyways.

I encourage all of you to live the same way. Take the risk and enjoy your lives! I love my life and I want all you fellow anti workers to feel the same carelessness that I live in my day to day life.

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