
Worked so hard for nothing

I feel so betrayed because I worked so hard for my boss and she completely sabotaged me. She lied about me to upper management at my work. I was so close and she absolutely betrayed my trust. She got my trust by buying me lunches and by bringing me coffees and always praising me but she also would make fun of me a lot. I let it all go all of the mean comments because I wanted to be a good employee. So I just kept doing my work and she just kept dumping her more of her work on me and I had to stay late and I canceled vacation and I came in to work sick. For years I did this. And ultimately it is a long story but I got in trouble with upper management for not telling them that she made rude comments to me. She…

I feel so betrayed because I worked so hard for my boss and she completely sabotaged me. She lied about me to upper management at my work. I was so close and she absolutely betrayed my trust. She got my trust by buying me lunches and by bringing me coffees and always praising me but she also would make fun of me a lot. I let it all go all of the mean comments because I wanted to be a good employee. So I just kept doing my work and she just kept dumping her more of her work on me and I had to stay late and I canceled vacation and I came in to work sick. For years I did this. And ultimately it is a long story but I got in trouble with upper management for not telling them that she made rude comments to me. She is no longer there but I feel so dismayed at work and I feel that everyone looks at me different and I’m a problem. I can’t change jobs because of my finances right now and for the next while I am stuck. This is truly eye opening for me how companies don’t care about u.

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