
Employer-based Insurance

I have a cavity and was covered when I didn't need a dentist because I had a job. Now, since the pandemic shut down, I've been without consistent work and don't have dental insurance. Today, went to my dentist to fix the cavity. The cost: $510 w/o insurance. So, Why is our medical insurance employer group policies, again? Why can't we have a State-Funded health and dental insurance? Any trust could be tax-payer funded initially and monthly premiums used to payout claims. What's so wrong with this concept?

I have a cavity and was covered when I didn't need a dentist because I had a job. Now, since the pandemic shut down, I've been without consistent work and don't have dental insurance.
Today, went to my dentist to fix the cavity. The cost: $510 w/o insurance.

  • So, Why is our medical insurance employer group policies, again? Why can't we have a State-Funded health and dental insurance? Any trust could be tax-payer funded initially and monthly premiums used to payout claims. What's so wrong with this concept?

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