
Why do companies put the worst people recruiting departments?

I had a phone interview scheduled for the other day. Not a great job, but I need money, and it's in my field. So first off, I had the call scheduled for Monday at 3:30 pm, all contact before calls was pleasant and was via text, the recruiter reached out to me after applying. 3:18 she texts, “talk to you soon!” 3:21 “Oppe, can you do Tuesday at 3:30 please?” What the fuck… Either way, I say yes Tuesday works, but it'll have to be at a later time then 3:30 as I have an appointment, asked her to text me a time frame. I never got a text. Fast forward to 3:30 Tuesday, I'm sitting in the doctor's exam room, when right on cue she calls. I tell them I need to take the call and answer and say “hello, do you mind holding for a minute?” she almost…

I had a phone interview scheduled for the other day. Not a great job, but I need money, and it's in my field. So first off, I had the call scheduled for Monday at 3:30 pm, all contact before calls was pleasant and was via text, the recruiter reached out to me after applying. 3:18 she texts, “talk to you soon!” 3:21 “Oppe, can you do Tuesday at 3:30 please?” What the fuck… Either way, I say yes Tuesday works, but it'll have to be at a later time then 3:30 as I have an appointment, asked her to text me a time frame. I never got a text.

Fast forward to 3:30 Tuesday, I'm sitting in the doctor's exam room, when right on cue she calls. I tell them I need to take the call and answer and say “hello, do you mind holding for a minute?” she almost grunted saying yeah. So I go outside, tell her I was in the doctor's office, she thought it was funny that I had to run outside.

So we're talking about the job, it's simply a visual inspector of vehicles, the job was listed as a “vehicle inspector” not a dent circler. This position isn't even supposed to start the engine… I'm overqualified for this but don't have an interest in professional mechanic work anymore, it's too hard on to the body. So we keep talking, and the topic of pay comes up. Rather than mentioning the pay listed on the site, she asks me what I expect to make. I say “well the website says 18-20, I feel I'm qualified to make at least the $20/hr, but I was hoping to be closer to $25 since I have so much automotive experience.

She fucking laughed at me, she says that's absolutely ridiculous to expect that, and that the only way to make “that kind of money” is to be a mechanic. At this point, I'm pretty annoyed, so I ask what other higher paying positions are available, she all but ignored my question and kept talking about how this is an $18-20/hr position and I probably wouldn't even start at the $20 mark. At this point, I wait for her to finish talking, she says we need to schedule an in person interview, I said that's fine, but I need to get off the phone and go back to my appointment. She literally just said “bye” and instantly hung up.

Extremely unpleasant woman to talk to, she didn't listen to any of my questions, talked over me, was rude and uninformed, and laughed at the possibility of making a decent wage and called me ridiculous.

Why do companies put people like this as recruiters/HR? This wasn't an agent, this was an actual employee of the company I'm applying to. How the hell would anyone ever want to work there if she's the first person they talk to is a mystery to me.

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