
I reported a co-worker for sexually harrassment. My hours were cut in over half the next week. & other issues.

The title itself does a good job summarizing the issue, but I’d like to delve deeper, and see what others have to think about the situation. I’ll keep details fuzzy, as to keep from being recognized, even thought this was quite a long time ago. I worked fast food and made okay pay for my age (teenager), the work environment was good, and most of managers were overall helpful. I was having no real issues with for the bulk of the time I worked there in truth, aside from the co-worker I had to report. To start it all off, he had been odd to me when we first met. I brushed it off as maybe he’s just awkward, albiet well meaning. Over the weeks I had working there, however, he became increasingly problematic with me and my female coworkers. Well, I had decided to help out and report him.…

The title itself does a good job summarizing the issue, but I’d like to delve deeper, and see what others have to think about the situation. I’ll keep details fuzzy, as to keep from being recognized, even thought this was quite a long time ago. I worked fast food and made okay pay for my age (teenager), the work environment was good, and most of managers were overall helpful. I was having no real issues with for the bulk of the time I worked there in truth, aside from the co-worker I had to report. To start it all off, he had been odd to me when we first met. I brushed it off as maybe he’s just awkward, albiet well meaning. Over the weeks I had working there, however, he became increasingly problematic with me and my female coworkers. Well, I had decided to help out and report him. Initially the managers were well responsive to this, and took proper steps needed. I thought all was fine until the next schedule came out. I had multiple days removed from it. Whatever, they know I’m just trying to get extra shits n giggles money, maybe an older coworker needed extra days to pay bills? Nope. This became a repeat occasion, I never had more days added back to my future schedules. Then comes my final moments at my job. I see sexual harrasser on the schedule again, on the same day as me and a few female coworker. Wtf? I don’t really say anything, thinking maybe they’re letting him work out his last week. I move on and keep doing my job as usual, only to see him regularly appear on the schedule. Yeah, they did nothing about him. I only came to notice that they were hiring more and more people for my position, and that they were more than apathetic towards training me for other positions. Yeah. They had me training my replacements. I left the job. Fuck those guys.

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