
Coworker turned boss

About a year and a half ago, my coworker, whom I adored. I even got her a gift for helping me get promoted into her group. I got promoted beyond her 2 times. Fast forward they promoted her 2 times to match my level and I was ecstatic for her. Corporate restructuring, she ended up being promoted to being my boss. And that’s when everything terrible began. I’m not trying to sound elitist but I have two masters, a bachelors, two associates and 5 project management Certs. She has an associates and that’s it (And the same number of years experience as I have) . Ever since she has made my life a living hell, withholding information for projects, sending cryptic emails that I’m like “what the hell am I reading?” And doesn’t answer texts, phone calls, emails…. And now she’s given me a warning about my performance. Before her…

About a year and a half ago, my coworker, whom I adored. I even got her a gift for helping me get promoted into her group. I got promoted beyond her 2 times. Fast forward they promoted her 2 times to match my level and I was ecstatic for her. Corporate restructuring, she ended up being promoted to being my boss. And that’s when everything terrible began. I’m not trying to sound elitist but I have two masters, a bachelors, two associates and 5 project management Certs. She has an associates and that’s it (And the same number of years experience as I have) . Ever since she has made my life a living hell, withholding information for projects, sending cryptic emails that I’m like “what the hell am I reading?” And doesn’t answer texts, phone calls, emails…. And now she’s given me a warning about my performance. Before her my last 3 reviews were above 4.5 out of 5. Now suddenly I’m a 1.5. How should I approach HR with this? To me it is an HR issue. Or any other recommendations?

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