
fuck chick fil a

Reminds me of when I worked at chick fil a, and was working the drivethru outside at 10pm, and a drunk dude called me beautiful and tried to grab me. CFA's response to me having a panic attack over being harassed almost snatched?? Have me clock out for 5 minutes and the clock back in and get back out there 🙂 I was young and it didn't even register in my mind that I could stand up to them and just leave. Fuck chick fil a, and fuck our society for training us to think that our employers have power over us.

Reminds me of when I worked at chick fil a, and was working the drivethru outside at 10pm, and a drunk dude called me beautiful and tried to grab me. CFA's response to me having a panic attack over being harassed almost snatched?? Have me clock out for 5 minutes and the clock back in and get back out there 🙂
I was young and it didn't even register in my mind that I could stand up to them and just leave.

Fuck chick fil a, and fuck our society for training us to think that our employers have power over us.

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