
I got a job offer today that I am taking but I won’t be able to give a full two week notice. I’m terrified

I'm finally leaving my awful job for a much better one. The pay isn't better but I won't be working multiple people's jobs for the pay of one. Only problem is I can only really give like a week notice because they need me asap as it's a school job and school starts here in about two weeks. I have to tell them today and I'm dreading it. Not sure why, but my stress is extremely high right now. I know this is a good thing, but I also know I'll be leaving them short handed at a very hectic time and they will not take it well. I think they already know I have plans because they bought me lunch today and told me I'm very appreciated and go above and beyond. Regardless they won't convince me to stay, I am just afraid of the response when we talk…

I'm finally leaving my awful job for a much better one. The pay isn't better but I won't be working multiple people's jobs for the pay of one. Only problem is I can only really give like a week notice because they need me asap as it's a school job and school starts here in about two weeks. I have to tell them today and I'm dreading it. Not sure why, but my stress is extremely high right now. I know this is a good thing, but I also know I'll be leaving them short handed at a very hectic time and they will not take it well. I think they already know I have plans because they bought me lunch today and told me I'm very appreciated and go above and beyond. Regardless they won't convince me to stay, I am just afraid of the response when we talk later.

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