
“8 and skate”

I got to spend a few days with my parents (54 and 52) and got to hear allll about how no one has work ethic because they’re not killing themselves for a company that will replace them in a heartbeat. Dad said “That kid didn’t learn work ethic from their dad, he was an 8 and skate.” As in, put in his 8 hr shift then clocked out and left work at work. All the while, my parents are working during their vacation, not getting paid, and think their self worth is tied to their work productivity. Make it make sense.

I got to spend a few days with my parents (54 and 52) and got to hear allll about how no one has work ethic because they’re not killing themselves for a company that will replace them in a heartbeat.
Dad said “That kid didn’t learn work ethic from their dad, he was an 8 and skate.” As in, put in his 8 hr shift then clocked out and left work at work. All the while, my parents are working during their vacation, not getting paid, and think their self worth is tied to their work productivity. Make it make sense.

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