
Well, I think I quit my job?

So, gave my boss my notice today. In my line of work that usually means hand over your keys and GTFO. Well, my boss says, I may make you work your two week. I'll let you know in the morning. Hmmm strange…. I go into the GMs office and let him know I'm peacing out and just gave my notice and he laughed at me and said “no you didn't.” I straight faced looked him dead in the eyes and told him I just handed over my letter to the GSM. He then proceeded to tell me he “wasn't accepting it.” I then literally got an “I'm not listening lalalalalala” from him like Peewee Herman until I walked out of the office. Point of story….. WTF just happened? I tried to quit, expecting to get asked to leave and they haven't accepted my resignation. Right-to-work state so I can up…

So, gave my boss my notice today. In my line of work that usually means hand over your keys and GTFO. Well, my boss says, I may make you work your two week. I'll let you know in the morning. Hmmm strange….

I go into the GMs office and let him know I'm peacing out and just gave my notice and he laughed at me and said “no you didn't.” I straight faced looked him dead in the eyes and told him I just handed over my letter to the GSM. He then proceeded to tell me he “wasn't accepting it.” I then literally got an “I'm not listening lalalalalala” from him like Peewee Herman until I walked out of the office.

Point of story….. WTF just happened? I tried to quit, expecting to get asked to leave and they haven't accepted my resignation. Right-to-work state so I can up and go whenever. How to proceed?

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