
Want a “management” job for 10.00 hr?

So I work a second part time job as a store clerk for a major company that sells software which I bet people can figure out. I checked the front door as I walked in and it said “Now Hiring Management”. I thought “hey, I've been here a few years I may as well ask.” Right now for my part time shit I am getting paid 8.50 which is like 1.25 over minimum wage. I know, laughable right? And I'm also starting a tech support job next week for roughly 20.00 per hour. Again, not ideal since I have a house payment and gas will cost me 60 bucks to fill, but I digress. I asked my manager what the pay was, and he told me this. “It will be full time hours, you will have a key, and you'll be getting 10 dollars an hour!” I laughed in his…

So I work a second part time job as a store clerk for a major company that sells software which I bet people can figure out. I checked the front door as I walked in and it said “Now Hiring Management”. I thought “hey, I've been here a few years I may as well ask.”

Right now for my part time shit I am getting paid 8.50 which is like 1.25 over minimum wage. I know, laughable right? And I'm also starting a tech support job next week for roughly 20.00 per hour. Again, not ideal since I have a house payment and gas will cost me 60 bucks to fill, but I digress.

I asked my manager what the pay was, and he told me this. “It will be full time hours, you will have a key, and you'll be getting 10 dollars an hour!” I laughed in his face and said “good luck with that!” This is also the same company that fired my manager for getting hit by a car after some kids ran off with some headphones.

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