
I wrote a document detailing what I believe are the intrinsic rights of every human being on the planet. I am curious as to what your thoughts are. Any feedback? Did I leave something out or include the wrong thing? Not sure if it’s off topic or not…but it includes labor concerns

A Declaration of the Intrinsic Rights of Human Beings I hereby declare the following to be the intrinsic, unconditional and unalterable rights of all human beings, regardless of nation, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or any other marker. Further, I declare that human well-being, as well as the very survival of the human species, depends on the fulfillment of these rights by the governing bodies of our societies. Any governing body which does not enforce and support these tenets stands in direct opposition to the continued existence of human flourishing and of civilization itself. It is therefore the duty of all individuals of able body and mind to resist such governing bodies to the best of their ability. The right to free and adequate clean air and water The right to safe and nutritionally adequate nourishment The right to adequate shelter The right to a clean, safe and livable environment…

A Declaration of the Intrinsic Rights of Human Beings

I hereby declare the following to be the intrinsic, unconditional and unalterable rights of all human beings, regardless of nation, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or any other marker. Further, I declare that human well-being, as well as the very survival of the human species, depends on the fulfillment of these rights by the governing bodies of our societies. Any governing body which does not enforce and support these tenets stands in direct opposition to the continued existence of human flourishing and of civilization itself. It is therefore the duty of all individuals of able body and mind to resist such governing bodies to the best of their ability.

  1. The right to free and adequate clean air and water
  2. The right to safe and nutritionally adequate nourishment
  3. The right to adequate shelter
  4. The right to a clean, safe and livable environment
  5. The right to adequate dental, medical and psychiatric healthcare
  6. The right to adequate free and public education
  7. The right to a representational form of government
  8. The right to vote
  9. The right to a reasonable, universal and affordable path to all levels of political office
  10. The right to religious freedom
  11. The right to free speech
  12. The right to bear arms
  13. The right to protest
  14. The right to a free press
  15. The right to privacy
  16. The right to a living wage
  17. The right to unionize
  18. The right to safe and non-exploitative employment
  19. The right to a free and open internet
  20. The right to free and adequate legal counsel and representation
  21. The right to a just and unbiased court system
  22. The right to agency over their own bodies
  23. The right to marry whichever consenting legal adult they so choose
  24. The right to be free of discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, sex, sexuality or gender identity
  25. The right to exist on a planet without a compromised ability to sustain human life

All human beings who do not possess even a single of these rights due to the interference of a governing body live under some form of oppression. Any human being who does not possess even a single of these rights due to the interference of a governing body lives under a state of social warfare. If these denials of human liberty are allowed to continue, all of human civilization is in grave danger. Therefore, it is the intrinsic duty of every man, woman and nonbinary individual to enforce and to safeguard these rights for themselves and for all other human beings in whatever manner they can.

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