
Going on sick , UK

Really unsure if this is the place for this so bare with me if it isn’t! So to add a-bit of context my place is work is Genuinely awful, get ignored, treated like shit, can’t get a reference, can’t update my bank details and get called names by one of the managers (It doesn’t help that the boss is his dad!) – it’s led to me putting in a grievance (unsure of the outcome) as of yet All this happening has led to a decline in my mental health sadly to say, low moods etc, trouble sleeping, however I’m worried going on sick is just gunna make the situation worse in terms of them not paying me my wage etc. I work a second job on a Saturday doing football coaching/support worker and was unsure if I could still work my ‘nicer’ job while been off my ‘un-Nice’ job? Has…

Really unsure if this is the place for this so bare with me if it isn’t! So to add a-bit of context my place is work is Genuinely awful, get ignored, treated like shit, can’t get a reference, can’t update my bank details and get called names by one of the managers (It doesn’t help that the boss is his dad!) – it’s led to me putting in a grievance (unsure of the outcome) as of yet

All this happening has led to a decline in my mental health sadly to say, low moods etc, trouble sleeping, however I’m worried going on sick is just gunna make the situation worse in terms of them not paying me my wage etc.

I work a second job on a Saturday doing football coaching/support worker and was unsure if I could still work my ‘nicer’ job while been off my ‘un-Nice’ job? Has anyone got any experience with this?

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