
I feel tricked.

I was working a full-time, consistently scheduled job at a certain department store, with benefits, and lots of perks, but the pay itself was minimum so I always kept job alerts on, and once in awhile if something was interesting I would apply. I have a ton of cooking experience, and when a local restaurant was hiring I applied. In the interview, I was basically offered the job on the spot, and the owner who was interviewing me gave me an idea of how I would be scheduled, how much I'd make, etc before I made my decision. Basically it was still only 50 cents above minimum wage, but tip outs in the kitchen were 300 plus every 2 weeks. While I don't necessarily agree with the practice of tipping, this to me makes a huge difference. My town is small and there are not many opportunities for jobs that…

I was working a full-time, consistently scheduled job at a certain department store, with benefits, and lots of perks, but the pay itself was minimum so I always kept job alerts on, and once in awhile if something was interesting I would apply.

I have a ton of cooking experience, and when a local restaurant was hiring I applied. In the interview, I was basically offered the job on the spot, and the owner who was interviewing me gave me an idea of how I would be scheduled, how much I'd make, etc before I made my decision.

Basically it was still only 50 cents above minimum wage, but tip outs in the kitchen were 300 plus every 2 weeks. While I don't necessarily agree with the practice of tipping, this to me makes a huge difference. My town is small and there are not many opportunities for jobs that pay above minimum wage, and I'm constantly playing catch up with bills as it is, and that extra 600 a month would make a huge difference.

He also said I would get full time,8 hour shifts, which I need because if I work shorter shifts than that my entire wage for the day goes to my babysitter, which makes going to work pointless.

He made a point to say how important family is and that I have a healthy work/home life balance.

I accepted the job, I needed the extra money and I like to cook, so it was an easy decision.

So far I have been getting nothing but 5 hour shifts, all closing, so I've been losing money every shift but managers swear that will change. In the last month since I've started, I've been called at home on days off 4 times, all of which I was with my children, and made to feel guilty when I couldn't cover shifts for others by the 2 managers that called. I've explained I can't afford to send my kids to the sitter on the off chance they might call me in. They don't seem to care.

The first tipout I received was much less than half of what I was told, and I asked a few employees why it was so low, and was told that I won't receive a full portion of tips until I've worked their for a year.

So I wasn't pretty happy, and honestly was close to quitting when the owner came up to me and told me they were impressed with how quick I was learning and told me my next check I'll have a dollar raise. That kind of saved it for me, I figured I'll stick it out and maybe things will get better.

Last check had a 25 cent raise.

I know part of me doesn't want to complain, fact is the tipout was still decent and any raise is better than anything, but I just feel I was took the job under false pretenses. If I had known what I know now I may have decided to stay where I was. I'm kinda pissed.

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