
Why don’t non-essential businesses help push for better wages?

As inflation and the general cost of living goes up and a number of people are forced to put more of their paycheck towards essential needs, they tend to cut back on other non-essential items and services such as restaurants, movie theatres, gyms, subscriptions, etc, to save money, which hurts the businesses that sell those things. If things get bad enough, these businesses will lose too much revenue and have to shut down, and yet they don’t seem to be doing much about it. I can understand this kind of greed happening with grocery stores, gas stations, and real estate investors, but what about the commodity sellers? Shouldn’t these companies be pushing for better wages and more affordable living? How will restaurants (Big and small) stay in business if there’s less people who can afford to eat out while their own food expenses go up? How will Microsoft sell Xbox’s?…

As inflation and the general cost of living goes up and a number of people are forced to put more of their paycheck towards essential needs, they tend to cut back on other non-essential items and services such as restaurants, movie theatres, gyms, subscriptions, etc, to save money, which hurts the businesses that sell those things.

If things get bad enough, these businesses will lose too much revenue and have to shut down, and yet they don’t seem to be doing much about it.

I can understand this kind of greed happening with grocery stores, gas stations, and real estate investors, but what about the commodity sellers?

Shouldn’t these companies be pushing for better wages and more affordable living? How will restaurants (Big and small) stay in business if there’s less people who can afford to eat out while their own food expenses go up? How will Microsoft sell Xbox’s? How will Hollywood keep making movies?

They should pay their employees higher wages and use that to encourage the others to do the same if they want to stay in business in the long term and keep making profit.

How are they supposed to keep making money and keep doing business?

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