
I love my job.. But I hate my job..

I love where I work because it's so lax and most people are so friendly.. however.. Recently my job has changed my duties. I work in a warehouse. I used to pick and process/ship small parcel orders. Now I got a whole new list of duties. I am to make sure the LTL orders are labeled properly and that they're completed for when they ship out. That means I need to keep on top of the labelers and keep track of the pick up list. However.. It's not a promotion. And there's no raise involved. The previous person in my position was dubbed a “team lead” and was given an increased pay (same as the other leads). However, I'm not. And, as for pay, “they're working on it”. Which is exactly what they say to the temps who've been there for a year waiting to be brought into the company.…

I love where I work because it's so lax and most people are so friendly.. however..

Recently my job has changed my duties. I work in a warehouse. I used to pick and process/ship small parcel orders. Now I got a whole new list of duties. I am to make sure the LTL orders are labeled properly and that they're completed for when they ship out. That means I need to keep on top of the labelers and keep track of the pick up list. However.. It's not a promotion. And there's no raise involved.

The previous person in my position was dubbed a “team lead” and was given an increased pay (same as the other leads). However, I'm not. And, as for pay, “they're working on it”. Which is exactly what they say to the temps who've been there for a year waiting to be brought into the company.

I hate that I don't feel valued or respected. And it causes me to wonder if any of it matters. If I should just jump from job to job and when I get sick of one or feel mistreated, move to another.. Just continue this until I die. At least then I won't stress staying somewhere I don't feel respected or valued.

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