
Hate my management

So i had to call off work today because i was ill this morning due to bad anxiety (which is literally from this job) and unfortunately i had a morning shift scheduled. This is probably common but my workplace likes to have us call 2 hours in advance to your shift starting, which i knew of course and apologized profusely when i realized i called an hour and a half before my shift. My boss was so livid about this for some reason, she chewed me out about it and i tried to explain i had just woken up and was quickly very sick…its 8am like what does she want from me lmao but she pulled a “The customers will never care about what your reasons are and the customers are always here” like what??? it just rubbed me so wrong, i quickly ended the call mid chewing outing and…

So i had to call off work today because i was ill this morning due to bad anxiety (which is literally from this job) and unfortunately i had a morning shift scheduled. This is probably common but my workplace likes to have us call 2 hours in advance to your shift starting, which i knew of course and apologized profusely when i realized i called an hour and a half before my shift. My boss was so livid about this for some reason, she chewed me out about it and i tried to explain i had just woken up and was quickly very sick…its 8am like what does she want from me lmao but she pulled a “The customers will never care about what your reasons are and the customers are always here” like what??? it just rubbed me so wrong, i quickly ended the call mid chewing outing and said i was going to vomit and had to go LMAO. God my boss irks me man.
What are some good jobs for a talentless 19 year old who’s taking a “gap year” still, I genuinely can’t stand customer service anymore

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