
Coach at work is doubting my disabilities

So im writing this before I go into my store manager to talk with him about this with another coworker cause were starting to get real fed up with his shit. Ill update as soon as we get back. Anyway getting to the meat of the story. So I started working at this place in late January, and its been a complete uphill battle the entire time. I work at wally world (blue and yellow star store) And I applied for overnight stocker full time. Well they put my schedule at part time until they finally fixed it last month even though I've asked multiple times for them to change it. But this particular story involves my coach, which is like the highest position on overnights. Theres team leads which are like managers and then coaches, and he's the overnight coach. Whenever he works I immediately get stressed and the…

So im writing this before I go into my store manager to talk with him about this with another coworker cause were starting to get real fed up with his shit. Ill update as soon as we get back. Anyway getting to the meat of the story.
So I started working at this place in late January, and its been a complete uphill battle the entire time. I work at wally world (blue and yellow star store) And I applied for overnight stocker full time. Well they put my schedule at part time until they finally fixed it last month even though I've asked multiple times for them to change it.
But this particular story involves my coach, which is like the highest position on overnights. Theres team leads which are like managers and then coaches, and he's the overnight coach. Whenever he works I immediately get stressed and the entire night I'm just walking on eggshells waiting for him to yell at me for some random bullshit. So I got put on backroom duties which would be scanning the overstock and taking any overstock that would go onto the floor to work and piling it up onto pallets. Now this HEAVILY degraded on my mental health because I have PTSD and don't like being alone and vulnerable and so I relayed that to a team lead and they said okay and took me off of doing that. Now at the time he wasn't working and I had the next 3 days off so when I came back he called me into the office and asked why I couldn't do backroom anymore and so I explained it to him. He said 'Oh really? What from?' And I told him I wasn't comfy sharing that info cause I didn't want to accidentally trigger myself and he said oh if you can't even tell me then you probably don't have it. I told him expressly that I have been diagnosed and have been in psych wards multiple times, and I didn't even want to share that. He just said oh well I'd need a doctors note if you actually have that or whatever. And so I went about my life at work.
Now I also had some bad tooth pain so I had to call out a few more times than I would've liked to but then I got a dentist appointment and the pain subsided so I stopped calling out as much, as I dont really do unless nessasary. But he called me into the office again to talk about my absences and I explained it to him. And he said that well we all go through pain at some point or another and that I should just push through it. He'd take my points off but he didn't want to see me do it again and I said okay. He insisted that he doesn't do this and that he's saving my job and I should be grateful. Of course I was cause this was just around the beginning of me working there. But he continued to hoard it over my head.
And then I went to vegas for my birthday cause I was going to see BTS and I requested it off and it got approved. But right as I was leaving to go to the airport I checked my schedule real quick just to make sure and lo and behold, they scheduled me on Sunday, the last day I would be in vegas. My flight was the next day and it would take me another day to finally get back, so I wouldn't even be in the state until tuesday. ( I live in TN ) So I texted him and let him know and he was like okay thanks for letting me know and I thought that was the end of it. But on Sunday he texts me hey I know you're not gonna be here but make sure to call out. I thought that was bs so I didn't even open the text and went about the last of my vacation. But when I got back he pulled me into the office again. “Why weren't you here on Sunday?' “Well I texted you telling you I'd still be in vegas, and I had already requested it off and it got approved” 'Well you got 2 points, you should've called out. Didn't you get my text?' Bitch I was on vacation tf? “I didn't, I guess cause of the timezones I didn't get it till I was asleep.” I figured seeing as how I gave heads up and had it approved I didn't or shouldn'tve had to do shit.
Then about a month ago I had to call out cause someone crashed into my house and I was hysterical cause I thought I'd killed them cause they were my doordash driver. And I had also left early a few days with PPTO cause of my bad mental health. Again, he called me into his office, and he asked why I'd called out and so I, yet again, explained it to him. He said he'd remove the points but this was the last time, and he's saving my job and I should be so grateful to him. But were so understaffed that I don't think they could deal with one more person leaving. But thats just my opinion.
The final straw for me was about a week ago. I've never dealt with heat well at all. Like if I spend more than 15 minutes in the sun or heat being active, I start to have heat flashes, and if it continues, a heat stroke occasionally followed by blackouts. So on this day it was really hot on the floor and I was stoxking, and they turn the AC off at night. So I went to the backroom to get some water and cool off even if just a little bit. I ran into said dipshit while walking back. 'What are you doing?' I'm holding a waterbottle and my face is red, wtf do you think im doing? “Oh im getting hot and I get heat strokes real easy so I was just grabbing some water and walking to cool off.” 'Well we all get hot, doesn't mean any of us should get special treatment. You've been in pharmacy all night and not a lot has gotten done and I've seen you wandering around.' Number one, you put 3 people with 5 pallets stacked to the highest they could go, number two, I left twice, once to go to the bathroom and another to cool off again. 'Well I just get overheated easy, I had a heat related stroke when I was 3 and my dad doesn't handle heat well so brain plus genetics, all in all I just don't handle it well and im trying to make sure I don't pass out haha” at this point he eyes me up and down. Like my guy why? 'Well if you have a medical condition ill need a doctors note' “Its not a medical condition, I just don't take heat well. I can see if I can't get the hospital records from my mom, but I can't really get a doctors note if its not really a medical condition.” 'Well I don't want to know your personal history, all I need is a doctors note' OK, so you don't want my personal history, but you want my personal history? Yeah, that makes sense. “Again, not a medical condition, i just overheat easy.” 'Well then I dont want to see you leave pharmacy from the rest of the night. I dont care if you have to go to the bathroom, no leaving.' At this point I just get fed up and I start to walk away so I don't get angry. As I turn to walk away he repeats, no leaving. Not even an hour later I blackout and collapse. I lose consciousness for like 2 minutes according to a coworker, and they texted them and told them I collapsed and tried to call them but they didn't pick up. Then they texted the same thing and called a team lead and he picked up immediately and said im on my way with Wade(my partner whos fucking amazing) I regained consciousness and could see under the shelves and I saw the team lead and my partner almost running over and then the coach just taking his sweet time. My partner and the team lead helped me up and took me to the personel office which was cold and had a fan. As I was cooling off the coach walked in, looked at me in my pity and lethargy, and rolled his eyes. I could've fucking died or be concussed and you roll your fucking eyes? Come on. The entire time he's filing out the incident report he's just mumbling stuff under his breath like overdramatic or attention seeker or lazy etc etc.. He leaves the room for a minute and my partner walks in to check on me as they're on their way to break, and then the coach walks back in and my partner abruptly leaves cause everyone is scared of the coach. He's like 'I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but going home 2 days in a row seems bad.' I went home the night before cause I had a killer migrane and plenty of PPTO to cover my leave. I awkwardly tell him that I should be good to stay cause I didn't want him to be mad at me. I leave to go sit with everyone on break and the team lead is outside, cause he usually sits with us on break. He asked why I was outside and I told him what happened. He rolled his eyes and huffed and walked away. Then we went back in from break and the team lead comes up to me and was like idc what coach says but I'm sending you home. Almost like on cue coach comes up and is like 'Idk what you've been telling people but I never told you you had to stay, I would appreciate it if you stopped spreading lies.' And so I went home.

Me and coworker went up to HR 2 days ago and they said they couldn't do shit until the store manager came back from vacation, which is today. And this is where I leave you. Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate it

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