I am having a very, very bad day. I generally believe I have thick skin but today's events really got to me. I recently began some part-time work at a fast-food place, and was given little training, but I got stuck into it and thought I was going at a decent pace, I was making a few mistakes here and there, but again, I thought it was going well. Later, i'm pulled aside and told that I need to hurry up and get it right, that no more mistakes would be tolerated. Well, if the company had given me enough training to begin with, and didn't have to learn by myself, it'd be a lot easier! I was a bit agitated, but shrugged it off – as I went to leave, I catch him complaining and laughing about me to the entire workplace – and then talking about how he never needed me in the first place, and if I left, he could easily replace me. Definitely not a good experience – is it going to always be this toxic?