
Safety issues at my husband’s work is (rightfully) making the team want to leave. They’re afraid they’ll get fired.

Background: My husband works for a construction company that is contracted by an American professional sports organization. The have a team of guys who travel the US with the organization and build things for their events. I’m trying not to get too specific here. The situation: This week they began working in a place where they don’t feel safe. They’ve had guns pulled on them at gas stations near the venue on two separate occasions (one was a road rage incident and the other was a wrong place at the wrong time situation). Their cars were broken into at the event venue and thousands of dollars of equipment was stolen. The venue security actually blamed their team and said, “it must have been an inside job because this doesn’t happen here.” Their bosses are not at this location with them. It’s just the team. One of the guys already left.…

Background: My husband works for a construction company that is contracted by an American professional sports organization. The have a team of guys who travel the US with the organization and build things for their events. I’m trying not to get too specific here.

The situation: This week they began working in a place where they don’t feel safe. They’ve had guns pulled on them at gas stations near the venue on two separate occasions (one was a road rage incident and the other was a wrong place at the wrong time situation). Their cars were broken into at the event venue and thousands of dollars of equipment was stolen. The venue security actually blamed their team and said, “it must have been an inside job because this doesn’t happen here.” Their bosses are not at this location with them. It’s just the team.

One of the guys already left. He didn’t feel safe, and he made the choice to go. The rest of the team also doesn’t feel like they should have to go through these things for this job. However, none of them want to get fired. As of right now, they’re trying to come up with things they can present to their bosses to improve the situation OR find a way to cancel this job without everyone getting canned.

Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this before? They’re all really stressed out.

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