
I’m a little bit sick of my company

I work in this company for 2 years already. The story is short but hear me out. I joined our quality department like 1,5 a year ago and I still work here because I enjoy my day to day things. My manager was really really trying hard to get me here because I’m good at my job, I’m one of the best in the department and because of this I get regular promotions but… There was a guy, let’s call him Jordan, he joined us year after me. He is my friend since and I don’t blame him for what happened. Right before him joining my dept. I heard a lot of good things from my manager about me – and about the HUGE plans he has for me to grow in the company. And guess what. Right after Jordan joined all the plans shifted to him. And in the…

I work in this company for 2 years already. The story is short but hear me out.

I joined our quality department like 1,5 a year ago and I still work here because I enjoy my day to day things. My manager was really really trying hard to get me here because I’m good at my job, I’m one of the best in the department and because of this I get regular promotions but…

There was a guy, let’s call him Jordan, he joined us year after me. He is my friend since and I don’t blame him for what happened.

Right before him joining my dept. I heard a lot of good things from my manager about me – and about the HUGE plans he has for me to grow in the company. And guess what. Right after Jordan joined all the plans shifted to him. And in the blink of an eye I was skipped in everything. I was blind eyed for that, didn’t see things clearly due to me being in good relationship with Jordan and my manager.

Funny thing is that Jordan switched to another department and I helped him with that, this guy wasn’t a good fit for us, he was wasting his skills in Quality, so we did everything we could for him to receive the promotion there. Right after his leave, the plans shifted right back to me when I told my boss I’m looking for a new job.

I don’t know what to think honestly. I’m a little bit upset with this situation. Apart from the story that I told you there were couple more situations like this in my short time in this company.

FYI, the company is one of the bigger ones on the market.

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