
McDonalds worker died on job during heatwave this weekend – this job won’t love you back!

I was camping in the interior of BC Canada for the long weekend and the heatwave has been brutal. Even in the shade, with the wind, and drinking lots of water, it's been almost unbearable. Everywhere in the town is sold out of ice and milkshakes, smoothies, and other cold drinks are mostly sold out too. The other day my family was unsuccessfully hunting for ice again, and wanted to get smoothies from McDonalds before heading back to the campsite. Confusingly McDonalds was closed, before noon. Across the street at another fast food place the employees there said a McDonalds employee died in the restaurant that morning. Small town so everyone has been talking about it, and I wasn't able to verify any details, but it was likely a young person working at the grill. There may not be a heatwave in your country right now, but here's a good…

I was camping in the interior of BC Canada for the long weekend and the heatwave has been brutal. Even in the shade, with the wind, and drinking lots of water, it's been almost unbearable. Everywhere in the town is sold out of ice and milkshakes, smoothies, and other cold drinks are mostly sold out too.

The other day my family was unsuccessfully hunting for ice again, and wanted to get smoothies from McDonalds before heading back to the campsite. Confusingly McDonalds was closed, before noon. Across the street at another fast food place the employees there said a McDonalds employee died in the restaurant that morning. Small town so everyone has been talking about it, and I wasn't able to verify any details, but it was likely a young person working at the grill.

There may not be a heatwave in your country right now, but here's a good reminder regardless of your situation that your job WON'T tell you: no job is worth your life. If something feels wrong or unsafe, then something needs to change. There are consequences to walking out of work, but there can be consequences to staying as well. Prioritize your health and wellbeing and encourage your coworkers and loved ones to do so as well.

And if you ARE in a heatwave right now or in the future, stay hydrated and take cold showers! Wear sunscreen and learn what dehydration and heatstroke look like. Keep yourself safe, because chances are your boss doesn't care.

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