
Was invited to fly to an interview across the country, told in writing that I would be reimbursed. I’ve been ghosted after making all travel arrangements.

Without saying too much just yet, a company I have been interviewing with for months offered to host me for a few days for an interview. They offered lodging and to pay for my air fair. I triple checked with them that things were approved before buying my flight ticket, but I still should have requested they make the purchase on my behalf just to be safe. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. In the past few weeks they have gone completely silent. I’ve sent follow ups, made phone calls, nothing. The last email I received said I’d get my lodging info early last week. Mind you, I’ve interviewed with two managers and a VP at this company, so this isn’t the result of just one person not communicating. I’m supposed to travel there this week and have no details on flight reimbursement, no details on where I’m staying, nothing. If…

Without saying too much just yet, a company I have been interviewing with for months offered to host me for a few days for an interview. They offered lodging and to pay for my air fair.

I triple checked with them that things were approved before buying my flight ticket, but I still should have requested they make the purchase on my behalf just to be safe. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.

In the past few weeks they have gone completely silent. I’ve sent follow ups, made phone calls, nothing. The last email I received said I’d get my lodging info early last week. Mind you, I’ve interviewed with two managers and a VP at this company, so this isn’t the result of just one person not communicating.

I’m supposed to travel there this week and have no details on flight reimbursement, no details on where I’m staying, nothing.

If I’m no longer in consideration for the job, so be it. It was a dream job at the time, but that’s how things go I suppose. I just don’t know what to do now. Is there any legal recourse to get my money back?

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