
Tips for leaving my job quickly but professionally?

Hey all, Just wondering if anyone has experience or advice cutting ties with a toxic employer, but keeping it on my resume as a reference in the future. Also possibly making sure I get paid for my PTO. I work in a field that isn't the most glamorous. And suffice it to say the environment is toxic and sucks the soul from my body most days. We're also on-call 24/7/365. Yep. All year long, every holiday. That's part of the problem. I'm going back to school next month and I've decided I can't do that with this chaotic schedule. I know my supervisors won't give a fuck about my education. But I'm turning 31 this year and I need to get this shit done. I had a second interview this morning for an office job. It went well, I'm trying not to get my hopes up but they did tell…

Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone has experience or advice cutting ties with a toxic employer, but keeping it on my resume as a reference in the future. Also possibly making sure I get paid for my PTO.

I work in a field that isn't the most glamorous. And suffice it to say the environment is toxic and sucks the soul from my body most days.

We're also on-call 24/7/365. Yep. All year long, every holiday. That's part of the problem.

I'm going back to school next month and I've decided I can't do that with this chaotic schedule. I know my supervisors won't give a fuck about my education. But I'm turning 31 this year and I need to get this shit done.

I had a second interview this morning for an office job. It went well, I'm trying not to get my hopes up but they did tell me the hiring manager will be calling me in the next 20-40 minutes to “go over some things.”

After seeing some of the posts here, what I'm worried about is the 20 hours of PTO I still have with the current company. I'm also not sure how PTO works because I'm salary, but I get paid an hourly rate for time spent at job sites only. I don't know if/how they'll cash out those hours.

They've also not been approving my days off when I ask for them for a while now, whether PTO or not.

Assuming I land this new job, should I schedule that PTO before giving notice? I've considered leaving without notice in two weeks because I have a feeling they'll respond poorly.

If I do put in a notice and the current company tells me to fuck off, can I tell the new job I can start earlier? Or would that also make me look bad?

If I don't give notice, they'll keep scheduling me on jobs and I don't want to be the person who doesn't show up because there will likely be a family who's lost someone and called us to clean it up. I can hate my colleagues/environment, but I take this job very seriously and may want to use it as a reference in the future.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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