
Normalize “firing your employer”

This sub sees the question of 2 weeks notice frequently and we need to set the record straight. A bad employer deserves to see a no notice resignation, if not an outright walkout depending on the offense. There is still too much of a stigma around outright quitting, and it’s because we live in a world where being a quitter is seen as a bad thing. We need to normalize resigning without notice as firing your employer. I never felt better than when I emailed my old boss a resignation. He was a 70 year old child and my only regret was not having outright walked out on him earlier. I am proud to say I fired him. I left on my own terms and that firm was less than professional in their response to my resignation. People like him deserve to watch good employees walk out and I wasn’t…

This sub sees the question of 2 weeks notice frequently and we need to set the record straight. A bad employer deserves to see a no notice resignation, if not an outright walkout depending on the offense. There is still too much of a stigma around outright quitting, and it’s because we live in a world where being a quitter is seen as a bad thing.

We need to normalize resigning without notice as firing your employer. I never felt better than when I emailed my old boss a resignation. He was a 70 year old child and my only regret was not having outright walked out on him earlier. I am proud to say I fired him. I left on my own terms and that firm was less than professional in their response to my resignation. People like him deserve to watch good employees walk out and I wasn’t even the first. If you walk out on a bad job you aren’t a quitter, you are someone who stood up for themself.

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