
Failed medical after declaring anxiety

A friend is seeking my advice. No better place to ask than Antiwork LOL! So he had a medical exam for a job that is gonna start this Friday. This is a company that CAME UP TO HIM and ASKED HIM BACK. Now, he told me, in the exam, he had declared that he has anxiety during medical exams, which makes his BP shoot up so high. He had been off the hook for that in previous jobs because he was able to present proof of normal BPs under less stringent environments. Now, this doctor measured his BP, and said his BP was 200/100. He was kinda sus with the way the BP was taken (he's a nurse), as before, a doctor had taken his BP before in a sus way that led to high findings. Now he got anxious and they told him to rest. Of course, anxiety hit…

A friend is seeking my advice. No better place to ask than Antiwork LOL!

So he had a medical exam for a job that is gonna start this Friday. This is a company that CAME UP TO HIM and ASKED HIM BACK. Now, he told me, in the exam, he had declared that he has anxiety during medical exams, which makes his BP shoot up so high. He had been off the hook for that in previous jobs because he was able to present proof of normal BPs under less stringent environments.

Now, this doctor measured his BP, and said his BP was 200/100. He was kinda sus with the way the BP was taken (he's a nurse), as before, a doctor had taken his BP before in a sus way that led to high findings. Now he got anxious and they told him to rest. Of course, anxiety hit him so hard he couldn't relax and they measured him again and got a high finding again. He refused a third reassessment because he was not that calm anymore, and either way it will still be high because he really got rattled.

So, medical comes back and they said he flunked and had to get a cardio clearance, a repeat blood test, and a psych clearance (as he had declared a history of anxiety) ALL IN A FEW DAYS. Now he can't get a psych until two months in because psychs are really few and busy here.

He does have other offers on the side, and he doesn't wanna go through all that again. Anyhow, he hasn't been offered a contract yet, just a JO (sus because they want him to start without a contract). I dunno if he is in denial with any health condition but he did give me something to think about.

He said that to think of it, if ever he had high BP that is not from anxiety, it's from the stress that beat him up from this job he had with them. He is also being forced onsite, even if he had said he has comorbidities (he is obese). He doesn't wanna go through the process again. He is considering telling them he won't do it even if it costs him the job (as again, THEY REACHED OUT TO HIM), as a remote job opportunity has reached out to him.

What do I tell him? Should he go through medical again, or just dump it?

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