
Additional responsibility advice?

I’m looking for a bit of advice, basically I’ve been in my crappy paying job for almost 8 years now and my manager has informed me that we will now be required to sit in on hearings to manage hybrid hearings. Previously our involvement in hearings has been very limited and basically we just needed to be around in the building in case anyone wanted anything from us (like something printed off for them etc), this is obviously a massive change and one I don’t feel comfortable with, partly because I feel it’s a responsibility that is above my role but mainly because I suffer with anxiety and would have a hard time having to sit in on them. Not to mention that none of us know how to do any of this and will need to learn quickly before the next hearing. I’m just wondering if anyone has any…

I’m looking for a bit of advice, basically I’ve been in my crappy paying job for almost 8 years now and my manager has informed me that we will now be required to sit in on hearings to manage hybrid hearings. Previously our involvement in hearings has been very limited and basically we just needed to be around in the building in case anyone wanted anything from us (like something printed off for them etc), this is obviously a massive change and one I don’t feel comfortable with, partly because I feel it’s a responsibility that is above my role but mainly because I suffer with anxiety and would have a hard time having to sit in on them. Not to mention that none of us know how to do any of this and will need to learn quickly before the next hearing.
I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice on whether I could challenge this or if it’s basically tough luck?
I’d love to move on from this job but I feel like my anxiety holds me back from doing so.

Also for clarification the hearings are a small part of our job role only occurring a handful of times a year, the majority of my job is basically an admin role.

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