
Phones at work

So I work from a checklist I get in a morning email. If I work through the whole list from 8am to 5pm, great, easy, if not I finish it the next day or maybe stay back to finish it. I have my ear buds and my phone (screen down) because I don’t need to talk to anyone to do my work and only report once a fortnight via email anyway. I got a written warning for “being on your phone during work hours” I’m sorry, are we not adults who can time manage and see what is the more important task? I’m not sitting on Tik Tok – I’m changing my music or maybe putting on a podcast. Just wanted to see if any other jobs do the same

So I work from a checklist I get in a morning email. If I work through the whole list from 8am to 5pm, great, easy, if not I finish it the next day or maybe stay back to finish it.

I have my ear buds and my phone (screen down) because I don’t need to talk to anyone to do my work and only report once a fortnight via email anyway.

I got a written warning for “being on your phone during work hours”
I’m sorry, are we not adults who can time manage and see what is the more important task?
I’m not sitting on Tik Tok – I’m changing my music or maybe putting on a podcast.

Just wanted to see if any other jobs do the same

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