
We are literally born and bred to be slaves

When you really stop to think about it, 99% of people only exist to be harvested by all the different corporations that secretly run our society. We are forced to attend school in order to “prepare” (indoctrination) for a life of subservience, and then we're forced to slave away until we're physically unable to and no longer considered useful. It's truly a no-brainer why a lot of people die before they get to retire, they only get to relax once they're one foot in the grave. The thing that concerns me the most though is just how much of our society is built around this. Being unemployed is a mark of shame synonymous with “laziness” and overall worthlessness. The moment you turn 18 you are constantly pressured into pursuing a career. People constantly ask you “what do you do?” so that they can know whether to respect you or look…

When you really stop to think about it, 99% of people only exist to be harvested by all the different corporations that secretly run our society. We are forced to attend school in order to “prepare” (indoctrination) for a life of subservience, and then we're forced to slave away until we're physically unable to and no longer considered useful. It's truly a no-brainer why a lot of people die before they get to retire, they only get to relax once they're one foot in the grave.

The thing that concerns me the most though is just how much of our society is built around this. Being unemployed is a mark of shame synonymous with “laziness” and overall worthlessness. The moment you turn 18 you are constantly pressured into pursuing a career. People constantly ask you “what do you do?” so that they can know whether to respect you or look down upon you.

In the end, we're all just rats in a maze competing for absolutely nothing. We are forced to work ridiculous hours for minimal pay just so some rich CEO can line his pockets with our sweat and blood. My brother, for example, can hardly see his family because he has to work four jobs just to support them. My brother-in-law recently got fired because he had the audacity to tell his boss to stop screaming at him after he refused to work above his pay grade. The only reason why people put up with this sort of crap is because they need to survive, especially now that inflation is at an all-time high.

The entire concept of work culture is literally built upon the exploitation of the worker. These corporations only see you as a resource, the whole “we're all one big happy family!” rhetoric is nothing but propaganda. There are no “good” corporations, all they care about is making a profit and will not hesitate to pin a price tag on you.

This is why I think that the antiwork movement needs to become more than just a few people ranting on the internet. We need to make our oppressors realize that they're the ones that need us, and not the other way around. We need to take back what is rightfully ours by any means necessary and reject the capitalist propaganda that has been imposed on us since we were born.

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