
I was illegally discriminated against based on a medical condition and I would like advice

If it matters, this happened about a year ago. I had applied to work at another location within the company I’m currently employed at and my manager was required to write a recommendation letter for that. She told me that she could not recommend me to transfer at this time due to my medical condition. I was offered a copy of the letter, but declined at that time and I’m still kicking myself for that. I didn’t know how to respond in the moment, but quickly realized I had been illegally discriminated against under ADA and FMLA (which I was and am currently protected by). I confirmed this with my benefits rep and notified my district manager of the discrimination. I tried to obtain the document that has the discrimination in writing, but could not get it from anyone, even HR, and was eventually told that it was “destroyed” because…

If it matters, this happened about a year ago. I had applied to work at another location within the company I’m currently employed at and my manager was required to write a recommendation letter for that. She told me that she could not recommend me to transfer at this time due to my medical condition. I was offered a copy of the letter, but declined at that time and I’m still kicking myself for that. I didn’t know how to respond in the moment, but quickly realized I had been illegally discriminated against under ADA and FMLA (which I was and am currently protected by).

I confirmed this with my benefits rep and notified my district manager of the discrimination. I tried to obtain the document that has the discrimination in writing, but could not get it from anyone, even HR, and was eventually told that it was “destroyed” because it was “inappropriate.” Do I have a legal right to that letter? If so, I want to know how to get a copy without rocking the boat too much.

I WAS offered the position, but didn’t take it because personal circumstances had changed for me. As far as I’m aware, my manager faced not consequences other than a slap on the wrist and it still makes me angry. Currently, she is having trouble physically herself and does not have medical accommodations, but still neglects to do large parts of her job despite no legal protection. Seeing this recently and thinking about how she discriminated against me in an illegal manner has brought this to the forefront of my mind and I’d like advice about what to do and what my rights are to the document that contains evidence of the incident.

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