
When you’re wondering “what’s the point?”

I should preface this by saying that this is more of a need for me vent as a means for de-stressing. I’ve just worked a 14 hour day. 7:30 AM to 9:30 PM, so technically 13.5 hours. Normal lunch (half an hour). I will not be paid for the 6 (5.5) hours extra. I’m in a situation at work where we are incredibly busy, understaffed, and have several high-priority projects that all must wrap up by the end of the month. My position does a lot of the behind-the-scenes (aka supportive role overall) to ensure that what we need to get these projects prepped and done, gets done. I’m also responsible for a whole lot of other tasks, a few of which are actually better suited for management to oversee. But we’re down a few people at that level, and my direct boss is so utterly swamped that they can’t…

I should preface this by saying that this is more of a need for me vent as a means for de-stressing.

I’ve just worked a 14 hour day. 7:30 AM to 9:30 PM, so technically 13.5 hours. Normal lunch (half an hour). I will not be paid for the 6 (5.5) hours extra.

I’m in a situation at work where we are incredibly busy, understaffed, and have several high-priority projects that all must wrap up by the end of the month. My position does a lot of the behind-the-scenes (aka supportive role overall) to ensure that what we need to get these projects prepped and done, gets done.

I’m also responsible for a whole lot of other tasks, a few of which are actually better suited for management to oversee. But we’re down a few people at that level, and my direct boss is so utterly swamped that they can’t reasonably do much more. I know for fact that their work days are usually 10+ hours each day.

The one manager we still have has their own hands full, but they’re not super tech savvy and so they offload that work to either myself or one of our colleagues with boots on the ground. They also have the least amount of OT work compared to myself and my direct boss, but the key difference is that those two are both salaried—and I’m hourly.

I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I struggle sometimes with trying to see what the point of all of this amounts to in the end? Maybe if I were paid more, I could lie to myself better about justifications for why I put myself into these situations (in the long run, I feel). Well, either way, the show must go on.

Bills to be paid and all that. Hang in there everyone, and thanks for letting me vent.

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