
Department concerns ignored for almost a year, everyone quits…

I worked for a company for nearly 9 years and everything was fine for the first 7 or 8, people were paid fairly and treated well. Then the company became successful and much bigger and a lot more corporate (C-level roles were introduced, a board of directors, big pool of middle management, etc). For the last year myself and the other seniors in my department (and as a note, the only department out of 5 that brought in any money during the pandemic and the only department with retainers that bring in consistent revenue for the business) have been begging to get more people in as the workload is too much for us, but we kept hearing constant excuses about there being no budget, etc. Yet another department which isn't brining in any revenue was getting new hires constantly as that was the new shiny department that the CTO likes…

I worked for a company for nearly 9 years and everything was fine for the first 7 or 8, people were paid fairly and treated well. Then the company became successful and much bigger and a lot more corporate (C-level roles were introduced, a board of directors, big pool of middle management, etc).

For the last year myself and the other seniors in my department (and as a note, the only department out of 5 that brought in any money during the pandemic and the only department with retainers that bring in consistent revenue for the business) have been begging to get more people in as the workload is too much for us, but we kept hearing constant excuses about there being no budget, etc. Yet another department which isn't brining in any revenue was getting new hires constantly as that was the new shiny department that the CTO likes and is trying to push, unsuccessfully I might ad.

So about 3 months ago we all (my entire department) started talking amongst each other, found new jobs and all quit within the span of about 3 weeks. They tried to coax us to stay with promises of more money, but we all said no and that being unhappy with more money wouldn't solve the problem. Now they're forced to bring in contractors that cost them way more than the entire department and any new hires we needed would have cost them. I'm the last one in, with my last day being the end of this week, and I'm witnessing the complete and utter mess that these contractors are causing.

They're also trying to recruit new people, but the entire department quitting within a couple of weeks is sending up massive red flags to candidates they approach and they're having a hard time finding people.

I played nice initially and did a bunch of handover documentation as there are still 1 or 2 people in other departments who rely on us who I like and feel sorry for. But now if I'm approached I just go, “Sorry, I'm leaving in a couple of days and I can't start any new work now as I wouldn't be able to complete it before I go.”

I would hope they learn from this, but somehow I doubt it.

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