I've been trying to figure out how to tell this story without too much detail.
Background: I was a system administrator for an SME with about 100 employees, about half of whom are casual. Today would have marked 8.5 years at the company if I didn't finish up last week.
I started applying for jobs in February after looking at Seek and seeing what I could get. In April I got a message which I redacted and sent up the food chain asking if I was interested in a position that perfectly suits me for 75% more money. I get in a meeting with the Big Boss, and the Big Boss say he can't match that, but feel free to move on if I want to advance my career. It was all very cordial. That recruiter ended up ghosting me.
The second half of June went a bit bonko, had an internal recruiter reach out to me, we spoke, my salary expectations were okay, and I put in an application on their website. I ended up having a long interview and was told that there's going to be another one with the CTO. Instead the next day I got an offer for what I asked for, which was the +75%. I checked with the Big Boss to see if they'd match it as a courtesy, which he declined. I handed in my one month notice.
A couple of days later I get a call about another job I interviewed for, and they offered half-way between my then salary and what I had just accepted. Naturally I declined.
Then all hell broke loose. One guy hands in his one week notice. Then a lady hand in her two weeks. Then another one. Then another two in one day. In my last week we had 5 people serving out their notice period at once. The receptionist who has been there for a lot longer than me said that this is unprecedented.
According to the rumour mill there is no concern at the upper levels of management. It's just people doing what they need to because COVID has shaken everything up and their personal circumstances have changed. The truth is that everyone has left for more money.
I look forward to hearing what happens, for as long as there are still people there that will talk to me. I have a morbid sense of curiosity about the whole thing. I know that at least 4 people are looking, or will start looking before the end of the year. I think I might have kicked off the failure cascade (EVE players know what I'm talking about).
Even if it takes 6 months like it did for me, don't give up on the dream of getting better pay and conditions.