
Denied equal pay, legitimate ideas for chaos/attempting to prevent this from happening again to others?

I found out that I was the lowest paid person in my department, despite my experience level being equal or greater than most of my colleagues. I am a woman, the only woman in my group. I asked the company to make things fair with my salary six months ago. My request was denied. I have already found a new position with a higher salary and I am on my way out. What legitimate things can I do to advocate for other women that might work for this company in the future? My ideas are: write an email to the head of HR (progressive European company), file EEOC complaint, ???

I found out that I was the lowest paid person in my department, despite my experience level being equal or greater than most of my colleagues. I am a woman, the only woman in my group. I asked the company to make things fair with my salary six months ago. My request was denied. I have already found a new position with a higher salary and I am on my way out. What legitimate things can I do to advocate for other women that might work for this company in the future? My ideas are: write an email to the head of HR (progressive European company), file EEOC complaint, ???

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